
I've heard it all before.  Psychics are bogus, charlatans, whack jobs or kooky bandana-headed gypsy thieves like the one pictured below.  Here's the truth of the matter in a nutshell and you can take it or leave it as you wish.

  First:  Most so-called "psychics" or "Spirit Mediums" with their hands out for money are worthless at best and dangerous at worst.  In fact, they aren't real psychics at all.  They are criminals or "cold readers" who prey on the desperate, the vulnerable, and the gullible.

  Second: There ARE genuine, legitimate psychics out there.  But let's get the stereotypes out of the way first.  No, they are not omniscient.  If you think being psychic means they can divine the answer to your every question on love, family or career, you don't understand the nature of the thing at all.  Even a truly gifted sensitive's information can be flawed or altogether wrong.  Then why go to the trouble (and expense) of finding a good psychic or medium?  Because even with their human limitations and flaws they have access to information that comes from a place of knowledge science hasn't even discovered yet.  The truth is, genuine 'sensitives' or psychics can help you in ways virtually no other counselor can.

  Third: On a personal note, I am no stranger to the field of psychic  phenomena.  At 6 years old I did my first "reading."  Of course, I didn't know what the Hell I was doing at the time.  Honestly, I thought everyone could do it!  My upbringing was very strictly Christian and according to the Church all such abilities came directly from the Devil.  The official Church position was that Christians should not be psychic as it was a sure sign of demonic possession!  Naturally, I hid my gift.  At any rate, I survived those many years of religious propaganda, brain washing and extreme close-mindedness.  Roughly two decades ago I began doing readings for money.  That was literally thousands of professional readings ago.  The folks who have sat before me know the truth of what I am and the value they receive from me.  What other confirmation is necessary?
I don't tell my clients what they want to hear (although, I have heard psychics say that doing precisely that is the key to financial success in this business.)  My focus is giving the most accurate reading possible, ie., whatever Spirit gives.  Sometimes the message is very welcome by the client, other times Spirit makes them face truths that may feel unpleasant at the time. Nevertheless, the message is necessary for their growth and happiness. 


  1. Do you still read for the general public?

    1. Hello there anonymous. You've been out of touch my friend! :-)

      1) YES, I still do readings for everyone... always have and always will.
      2) I haven't posted to this Blogspot page for years. Please go to for what's going on these days.

      Thanks for writing. :-)
