About the Wizard Qumran

A Bronx Boy!

I was the elder of two boys born in the Bronx to a humble couple in 1957. Mom was the traditional neglected housewife. Dad worked all the time it seemed but, despite holding down two and three jobs, he never could raise us up out of poverty. The world was still innocent in the 50's and 60's and my parents raised me with traditional Christian values. My mom took me to church, sometimes to the 7th Day Adventists, other times to whatever Catholic church was convenient. Honestly, the neighborhood Pentecostal services were my favorite! Folks leaping out of chairs, shrieking testimonials, religious Ecstasy and histrionics were all part and parcel of Sundays. It was quite the show and who could sleep through that!? Somewhere in there dad became a devout Jehovah’s Witness and decided we ALL had to become “devout" JW’s as well. Mom went numbly through the motions but was never a true believer. We studied the Bible morning noon and night while also attending five meetings a week at “Kingdom Hall.” Genesis to Revelation, chapter and verse we learned all about Bible history, characters and JW doctrine on virtually every conceivable topic. I was chock full knowledge, raring to 'save the world’ and ready to teach and preach from a very tender age.

'The Preacher'

For a couple of decades my lot in life became that of a Minister and teacher serving churches in the New York area and, occasionally, speaking in very large venues to many thousands of listeners. Having been trained as a professional speaker from High School and on into the Ministry School, my personal mission was to never become like those humorless preachers that haunted my early memories! Although my Christian minister days are long past, whenever I lecture or conduct seminars I still make it my business to get people involved, inspired, make them laugh and send them home with something positive to stick under their thinking caps.

'Lost in the “Wilderness”'

The simple truth is, loads of cash was spent on self-help cassette tape programs and books by motivational stars of the day. I was lost in a wilderness of books! Every one claimed to have the “key” …the “system” …the “secret” I desperately needed to get my life on track. I'm sure they helped someone, they just didn't seem to work for ME! It was frustrating!! The real 'secret' was left for me to find on my own. In time, I did.

The Wizard’

Horns symbolize the male aspect of divinity, NOT the Devil!
As it turned out my truest calling was and is to be a wizard. Now... take a moment to flush out those silly notions of Harry Potter and Gandalf. Real-life wizards are rather different. The term ‘wizard’ refers to a wise person. The Occult and Magick are also a big part of my life. Most people are surprised to learn that Pagans, witches and wizards like me share most Judeo-Christian values such as love for God, goodness, integrity, civic responsibility, etc. Spiritual truth and basic human decency are not the sole property of the Christian faith. Truth and goodness can be found in all the world’s great religions ~ including alternative faiths like Wicca, for example. When Nature herself decides the world needs only one kind of bird, only one kind of flower, only one kind of human being, I will accept that there should be only one method to worship.

Ironically, I have led Christian congregations in prayer as their Minister and later in life led Wiccan covens in prayer as their High Priest! As a wizard and Pagan I learned not to judge others ~ that’s God’s job, not mine. In fact it makes me think of the words of Jesus at Matthew 7:1-2: “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” Sounds like good advice to me!

My work helps people to do 3 critically important things in life:

1) Identify your truest, core self. Find the answer to the question; “who am I really?’

2) Match your true self with life paths that are fulfilling and happiness comes naturally.

3) Uncover hidden talents and help you overcome even persistent personality flaws.

As a Wizard / Life Coach my goal is to help each person to reconnect with their own inner power. To realize who they are mentally, emotionally and spiritually ~ however that individual chooses to define themselves. Notice I said spiritual, not religious. It is not my place to interfere with anyone’s religious lives and beliefs.

The ‘Shoppe Keepers’

For a few years it was my privilege to found, own and operate “Wizards” located in Greenport and later with my wife in East Northport, NY. An entire book could be written about this place and the many wonderful goings on there. It transformed lives and hearts for the better. It created memories that will never be forgotten by those who experienced them. Being a part of this enterprise is one of my proudest achievements.

This shoppe was a strange hybrid business that combined retail store with a learning space for classes and lectures as well as a venue for delightful Open-Mic nights where the community could enjoy live music, friends and fellowship in a safe and secure drug and alcohol free environment.

OY VE!!”

Over my lifetime it feels like I’ve made every mistake known to man! My boot found every pot-hole, turned right when it should have turned left, my mouth opened when it should have stayed shut. So, what do I have to show for all those errors in judgment, irrational fears, guilt and dumb-ass choices? Frankly, I have a lot to show for it. Overcoming these life-crushing obstacles has taught me wonderful lessons. Mind you, I bought these lessons with my own blood, sweat and many, many tears. It was hard-won knowledge. Here’s what I learned: Even if your life so far has been filled with failure, heartache, misfortune, poverty and pain - your past and present do NOT equal your future. Starting today, starting now, you can create a life that is well worth living, one you can be proud of.


Each of us can discover a life path that matches who we are as unique individuals. Happiness is a function of knowing who you are, what you should be doing with your life and then doing it! Is this a selfish pursuit? Not entirely. The fact is, a happier, more accomplished YOU will impact everyone in your life in positive ways. Happy husbands make better husbands. Happy wives make better wives. Happy workers make better workers, sons, daughters, etc.

So why should I care about you and what happens in your life? Let’s be honest, shall we? I know what you’re thinking. “This Qumran guy stands to make a few bucks,” right? You’re right. Fact is, everyone needs money ~ and there’s no shame in that. But I know something you don’t. When a client does business with me I get much more out of it than my fee. To see hope rekindled in the eyes of someone who had none is a feeling that cannot be described in mere words. To make a difference in this world one individual at a time is a truly wonderful and profoundly humbling experience. If you don’t believe me, try it yourself! I cannot imagine a better way to earn my living than doing this work. After all my years of living like an idiot, I found myself and my true path. Now my finances, my relationships and my life are on track. I will gladly, happily, GRATEFULLY help you to do the same.

Here are a few fast facts about The Wizard”:

Many consider me an authority on psychic phenomenon, spirituality, Wicca and Witchcraft. Self-improvement and self-esteem building programs are also part of my teaching programs. I have produced many seminars and classes, authored publications on the Tarot and also workbooks to accompany my classes. I produced a guided meditation on CD entitled "The Hidden Forest" featuring my own music and voice narration. My writings, quotes and personal interviews have been published in respected New York magazines such as The Village and Creations, books, newspapers like Newsday and The Long Island Press. It was also a pleasure to be interviewed for the film docu-drama "Montauk Chronicles" directed by Christopher P. Garetano. I was featured in an extended FIOS TV interview entitled “The Wizard”

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