Sunday, June 30, 2013

Dawn of the 'OLDE AGE'

From the movie "The Craft"

The brighter the light of the so-called "New Age" gets, the clearer it becomes that we are at the re-birth of the 'Olde Age.' I couldn't be happier! Let the world return to the days of magick, sorcery, wizards, witches, cunning-folk, dragons, beastly familiars, mysterious spirit entities and worship of the olde gods.

These days the average enchanter bears little resemblance to her counterpart of ancient times. Technological advances have transformed the world in fantastical ways. I embrace the very new as easily as the very olde. And why not? There is a sort of 'magick' happening every time we use our cell phones. Let us use ALL technologies at hand to sculpt our lives into the masterpiece of our choice.

You would think that the lords of science would have vanquished the olde ways long before this 21st century ever saw the light of day. But, alas! The magickal, mystical aspects of life have more adherents today than ever before! As far as I am concerned, THAT is as good a "Good News" as anything the Christians can offer. On that score, as a former devout Christian minister, I can say without equivocation that a Pagan or Gnostic path is best for me.  My path does not generate an irrational guilt that must then be forgiven and atoned for. Secondly, my relationship with SPIRIT (insert whatever word for the Supreme Being you prefer) is intimate and direct. It does not require an intercessor.

So let the 'olde ways,' hold sway!  Let the demons and angelic demigods, the miracle workers and the wise mage walk the ancient wooded paths once again.  May midnight magick and primordial fires light the inky night and words of incantations and chanted prayers fill the wee morning hours.  The age of enlightenment has indeed arrived and you and I may jump for joy for the modern days show clear the way to our truest nature. We are divine beings but playing the part and sporting the garb of mortal folk.  All hail the dawn of the 'Olde Age!' 

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