Ghosts & Spirits

According to a 2009 CBS News opinion poll, most Americans believe in ghosts and the afterlife.  See the poll findings here: CBS News Poll.  For this reason this page won't try to argue the existence of ghosts.    Chances are pretty good that you already believe in ghosts or a spirit realm of some sort.  Instead, the focus of these posts will be to collect short stories and eyewitness accounts of encounters with spirits, ghosts, poltergeists and other such interesting tid-bits we all like to read about!

Com’ on now, be honest, what could be better than spending a summer’s night sharing ghost stories with friends huddled around a crackling fire?  Yes, I said ghost stories.  Don’t you believe in them?  Well, if you are not a believer in the hereafter or the existence of the hovering wraith of a great grandmother or old uncle Jeb, suit yourself.  There are many who do, myself included.
What business does a reasonably lucid gent such as myself have believing in misty figures skulking in the shadows, rudely stepping in and out of our dimension whenever they fairly well please?  In the 21st century are people really still afraid of things that go ‘bump’in the night?  Well… YES, they are!  Like so many other things in our world that have yet to be proven by current science, there are mountains of evidence, both objective and subjective, to suggest that something lives on after your body stops wiggling around on this pretty blue marble we call Earth.

Wherever you stand on the question, this post is about experiences that are difficult to explain.  Maybe you have some experiences of your own to share?  Feel free to post.  No one will make fun of you here.  Being the administrator of this blog gives me truly god-like editorial powers, so rest assured no disparaging comments will be permitted.  Of course, I can’t prevent people from wondering whether I’ve gone off my medication again, but, I’m a wizard for God’s sake, I’m used to people suppressing a pitying smirk around me! Okay then, let’s all cozy up around our virtual crackling fire here in the cyber forest.  After a while we can take a vote and decide which one of you will leave the circle of firelight to venture into the dark trees to get more wood!


The following are either my own first hand experiences or those that have been related to me by people I consider to be highly reliable, trustworthy sources.  Form your own conclusions.  Whatever you do, by all means, ENJOY!

Jig-Saw “Puzzled”:

Jig-Saw puzzles and me have a cordial but hardly passionate relationship.  What can I say?  I just don’t see the fascination some people have for them.  Some years ago I was living with a young woman in a house where there had been strange ‘goings on’of a ghostly nature.  She had worked long and hard on a jig-saw puzzle and was poised to finish the damned thing when the unthinkable happened.  She came to the last piece and – you guessed it - it was missing!!  NOOOooo!!  I saw her expression change like thunderstorm clouds rolling in on a stiff breeze.  I’m no dummy so my survival instincts kicked in and I verily leaped up to help her find this solitary lost piece.  What followed was a fevered search that left no stone or piece of furniture unturned.  We looked EVERYWHERE, it seemed.  Cushions, under things, over things – between things!  No luck.  After a half hour of hard searching her frustration eventually turned to resignation.  It simply was nowhere to be found.  We retired for the night.

The next morning I walked past the puzzle sitting on the card table as I had done for weeks now.  As I did, something caught my eye.  My brain said “Wooahh.. go back! Back up!”  There the jig-saw puzzle was, with the missing piece placed in it’s spot - the puzzle was now complete!  I confronted my young lady.  “Where did you find the missing puzzle piece?”  “What are you talking about?,” she answered.  She had no clue.  I lead her to the card table and she stared drop-jawed in disbelief.  We shared a knowing look.  The “haunted” house was at it again!

Pedestrian Crossing:

A friend and I were driving west one very dark night through a little town on the north fork called Jamesport.  Although it’s a main road the street lamps out there are few and far between.  You really need your headlights just to stay on the road in some places.  I wasn’t aware of it at the time but we were passing a very old cemetery on the south side of the road.  There are tombstones there from the late 1700′s.

Conversation had lulled and so we cruised along lost in our own thoughts.  Up ahead I saw movement on the street.  It was quite dark and I couldn’t make out what was moving.  My foot instinctively eased off the gas pedal and made ready to break if need be.  A group of maybe seven or eight people came into view.  They were crossing the street and at this point they were in dark silhouette.  I could see clearly enough to make out the group and how some of them were dressed.  One man, taller than the rest, had a 70′s style afro hairdo (odd, I thought) and wore old fashion coveralls.  They were now all walking in a line on my side of the road.  I couldn’t be sure whether it was safe to pass the group with any speed for fear a straggler might still be crossing the road.  I Flicked my high beams on to get a better look and… the entire group vanished.  They were there one moment and then they were gone!! We drove past where they had been but were no longer.  That’s not the end of the story, however.
The lady traveling with me was totally unaware of what was going on since no words had passed between us.  Evidently she hadn’t seen anything.  All of a sudden she gasped as we passed the men, or better said, passed where the they had been only seconds before.  According to her something felt like it passed right through her violently and was now gone.  Imagine her amazement to hear what had just happened on a dark road in Jamesport.


The owner of a wonderful New Age store related this experience to me some years ago.  She owned Blue Moon Enchantments on Main Street, Patchogue.  Unfortunately she fell sick and the business was forced to close.  I knew both her and her grown daughter personally and have full confidence in the truthfulness of this account.

Before the owner, who I will call Claire (not her real name,)  opened Blue Moon Enchantments in Patchogue, she had rented a wonderful location in an ancient converted Victorian house.  Claire was enamoured with the large storefront windows on her half of the house and it suited her modest store quite well.  The ambiance was certainly enhanced by the antique Victorian setting.

Prior to her grand opening for business she witnessed something that defied all explanation.  Above the doorway that separated her tiny store from the residential portion of the house condensation had formed.  She remembered thinking it was a curious place for moisture to appear.  As she looked on it appeared that an invisible finger started writing letters in the moisture.  Slowly the letter “W” appeared.  “E” followed, then “L”, “C” and so on.  The”finger” spelled out the word “Welcome!”  She told me it sent a chill down her spine .  Honestly, even a seasoned wizard like myself would have felt a little uneasy.  The ghost was communicating with her directly!
Claire and her daughter related how they would arrange the jewelry in the display cases only to find them outside and lined up against the wall counter in the morning.  Since this was an almost nightly happening, in time, through this and other phenomena, they deduced that the ghosts were a father and a little girl.  She was the one who enjoyed playing with the nice shiny jewelry!

Claire shared the old Victorian house with the amicable, albeit unseen, residents until she eventually moved her shop elsewhere.

… Before we continue, I notice our fire is growing dim and the forest shadows begin to draw closer.  Which one of you will venture forth into the darkness to fetch some more firewood?  Let’s take a vote, shall we? ….

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