Saturday, June 22, 2013

Working With POWER

As a veteran of many coven rituals, workings, sabbats, esbats, etc., my main issue with them as magickal workings was that most times we were just going through the motions. Yeah, this one calls the corners, that one invokes the God/Goddess and so on. For people who are sensitive to subtle energies and who want to intensify the power play at their rituals, your garden variety Sabbat or Esbat can be pretty lackluster events. I like to feel the power move, surge, peak and ebb. 
These days my work is usually solo but here's a few suggestions for more dynamic magick work.
  1. TAKE YOUR TIME!  Practitioners tend to run through their ritual script, each one reading their parts, and there is seldom sufficient time allowed for really feeling the inner workings of the rite. If you invoke a spirit, the god or goddess, take time to feel his/her presence, to see it appear in your mind's eye. Use your inner senses to experience what's going on a visceral level.  I'm not suggesting you shouldn't use notes or read passages from paper.  Just be aware that you will get so much more out of your rituals if your goal from the start is to sense, feel direct and absorb the energies swirling around this event. Don't rush it!
  2. Typically, there is a wide range of skill and experience in any group. That sort of diverse 'family style' activity is a wonderful thing.  Having said that, even spiritually younger ones should be made aware that any sort of witchcraft will only be effective to the degree that flowing energy is at work. Anyone, regardless of age and experience, can contribute powerfully to a magickal working.  We are born magickal creatures.  It is our nature to be powerful co-creators.
  3. Wands, robes and other accoutrements can be wonderful tools if they are empowered, directed or asked for their cooperation. Never lose sight of what's going on behind the scenes. At its core magick is all about affecting energy with energy.
  4. Use the ways and magickal means that work best for YOU!  Fitting into someone else' mold is not what you  were born to do.  You bring something unique to this planet.  What is that special thing?  Granted, you may not yet know what that is.  But one thing is for sure; you won't find it by becoming a cheap imitation of someone else.  In the realm of magicians it is important to know yourself and your craft well enough to make the greatest use of your individuality.
I used to teach a class that listed specific techniques to identify your own personal power symbols, colors, correspondences and belief systems.  The objective was to show the apprentice how to create a magickal systems that is in harmony with their own unique "power grid."  I encourage every student of the occult and the magickal arts to carefully consider the teachings and methods of other more experienced practitioners but do not lose yourself in the process.  there IS a path that fits you best.  A good teacher will help you find yourself.

May you work with POWER - whatever you' re doing - and find the best path back to who you are!

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