Monday, July 22, 2013

Lord Thoth & Lady Abundantia

Egyptian mythology never interested me.  It still doesn't.  So I am hard pressed to explain why the Lord Thoth won't let me be.  At long last the inevitable has occurred.  It is not going too far to acknowledge that I am compelled to give due homage to this Ibis headed Egyptian deity.  He was known as Hermes or Hermes Trismegistos to the Greeks, Mercury or Mercurius to the Romans.  The more I learn of him the more he feels like a kindred spirit and a spiritual father to me.  Anyone desiring more information about Thoth should visit Gods of Ancient Egypt.

Anyone who knows me personally knows I spent decades as a respected Christian teacher, minister and lecturer.  After escaping my close-minded, backward fundamentalist mentality, the idea of worshiping anything or anyone was, and continues to be, out of the question.  What I do for Lord Thoth is pay him homage and respect.  I also honor him by following in his magickal footsteps ~ according to my own style.  I look to him for inspiration, guidance and help to walk the creative and magickal life.

Lady Abundantia is the Roman Goddess of prosperity, abundance and infinite supply.  Her image appeared on Roman coins.  She carries the Cornucopia of infinite source and distributes it freely to all.  I pay homage to her as well.  Truth is, I have dealings with her and observed her respond to my conversations.  There is a relationship between us.  More will be written here on these two gods who hold a special place in my magickal practice.

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