Friday, July 26, 2013

14 Year Old Girl Covers Van Halen's "Eruption"

So why is this vid on a website called "Occult Realms?"  Because Occult is about more than spirits, witchcraft and spooky rituals done in the dark.  A synonym for 'occult' is hidden.  This young girl has discovered one of her talents.  Each of us is good at something but for many people it needs to be found.  For them it is hidden and they wrongly imagine they have no talent.  A big part of your life needs to be about uncovering the gift you hold inside.

Here's my final word: Most natural gifts require work to dig it out and make it shine, just like gold hidden in the ground.  Regardless of her natural gifts, do you think she just rolled out of bed one day and could play Van Halen? I don't think so.

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